Miscarriage is a sad but common experience in the Christian life, especially among those who believe in following God’s command to be fruitful and multiply. In this episode we tackle this difficult topic.

Production of Reformation Baptist Church of Youngsville, NC
Hosts – Dan Horn, Jonathan Sides, Charles Churchill and Joshua Horn
Technical Director – Timothy Kaiser
Theme Music – Gabriel Hudelson

Every year, Congress invites the President to provide an address on the state of the nation. It is typically the most watched presidential speech of the year and provides an opportunity for the president to cast his vision for the country and to set an agenda for Congress to follow. And while we wouldn’t say that everyone has a duty to take the time to watch the State of the Union, we do believe it is worthwhile for Christians to consider the vision that our leaders have for the country.

In this episode we focus on five key topics from the State of the Union, the economy, health care costs, the debt limit and the sunsetting of social security, the border, and the opioid crisis. Each of these are issues that President Biden felt were worth dedicating a considerable amount of his time and energy to, and we believe that each is worthy of our consideration as Christians.

One thing that is particularly important to us as Christians is the degree to which lies and deception are tolerated. While lies in politics are not new, in the last ten years, there has been considerable decay in how we collectively view truth and how willing we are to accept brazen lies from those who have sworn to uphold our laws and liberty. And while we might think that we are immune to lies because we expect them, this is not how words actually work. Even when we know that people are lying if we do not consciously take our thoughts captive as scripture commands, then their words will go into us and become a part of us. How many times have you seen a lie damage a personal or business relationship? Even when both sides know it is a lie.

Episodes referenced:
Why Conservatism Should Die

Enslaving our Children: Why the Debt Ceiling Fight Matters

Why Inflation is Evil

What the Bible Say About Labor Unions, Collective Bargaining, and Politics

A Christian Solution for Immigration

Why Is Our Society So Confused

Drugs and Alcohol: How Does the Bible Regulate Their Use

Should Marijuana Be Illegal? America’s Drug Policy and the Bible

7 Ways to Deceive Others

Production of Reformation Baptist Church of Youngsville, NC
Hosts – Dan Horn, Jonathan Sides, Charles Churchill and Joshua Horn
Technical Director – Timothy Kaiser
Theme Music – Gabriel Hudelson

Every few years there’s a fight in Congress over the debt ceiling. Of course, Democrats and the liberal-leaning media outlets mock the process, calling it nothing more than political theater or “holding the nation hostage”, but to be fair, there are a decent number of leading Republicans who view the process as nothing more than that, just an opportunity to get concessions or make a cheap political point. And there are a lot of bad arguments for raising the debt ceiling. We want to try to cut through that and focus on two main things:

First, debt is slavery and Scripture has a lot to say about it. As Americans, we have accepted the lie that we can be massively in debt and still be rich and enslaved to nothing. Those who truly believe this have chosen to follow a course that openly mocks the words of God and God will not be mocked.

And second, fights like the debt-ceiling fight are worth having. We aren’t arguing that the Republicans are shining beacons of righteousness (because they are not), but they are demonstrating something that the people of God seem to have forgotten. The nature of sin is to frame our wrong actions so they are seen as acceptable or even better, righteous. “We must raise the debt ceiling because we have committed to spending this money and we must be people of our word”. (Or President Biden’s tweet from last November, “ Love is love and Americans should have the right to marry the person they love.”) One of the best ways to fight back against accepted sin is to force people to confront the truth that they have been suppressing. And we should do it in the places that God has put us. At our work, at church, at school board meetings, and anywhere we are being asked to be part of a process that is proclaiming a lie as the truth. That fight, which can be a very civil discussion, is always worth having.

Please join us as we discuss this important topic.

Production of Reformation Baptist Church of Youngsville, NC
Hosts – Dan Horn, Jonathan Sides, Charles Churchill and Joshua Horn
Technical Director – Timothy Kaiser
Theme Music – Gabriel Hudelson

Holy Communion or the Lord’s Supper is considered a sacrament or ordinance in almost all churches that call themselves Christian. It is one of two sacred rites, the other being baptism, that is universally practiced across Christendom and can be considered a defining practice related to being a Christian. But within the American Protestant church, communion has lost much of its significance within the life and worship of the church. According to a study from 2012, only 1% of Southern Baptist churches practice weekly communion.

In this episode, we want to focus on why communion is important. We discuss how it unifies the church, how it proclaims the holiness of God, and how it proclaims the gospel through the separation between believers and unbelievers. We also discuss how communion is related to church discipline and how the church’s failure to observe and show honor to the reality of our communion with Christ and with one another makes being cut off from the table seem insignificant. Please join us as we discuss this incredibly important topic.

Production of Reformation Baptist Church of Youngsville, NC
Hosts – Dan Horn, Jonathan Sides, Charles Churchill and Joshua Horn
Technical Director – Timothy Kaiser
Theme Music – Gabriel Hudelson

Labor Unions have been a major part of the American political landscape for many years, but what does the Bible have to say about them?

Production of Reformation Baptist Church of Youngsville, NC
Hosts – Dan Horn, Jonathan Sides, Charles Churchill and Joshua Horn
Technical Director – Timothy Kaiser
Theme Music – Gabriel Hudelson