Will America’s Pride Bring Us Down? (Ep. 123)

America sets aside a whole month to celebrate pride in sin. What does our love of pride say about us as a country? Is Pride Ever Good? https://theconqueringtruth.com/2022/06/is-pride-ever-good-ep-76/ Listen to the audio version here: https://theconqueringtruth.com/2023/06/will-americas-pride-bring-us-down-ep-123-audio/…

How Church Discipline Teaches the Character of God (Ep. 116)

We discuss whether church discipline is about more than reconciliation of the sinner, and the ways that it is a reflection of God’s character. Listen to the audio version here: https://theconqueringtruth.com/2023/04/how-church-discipline-teaches-the-character-of-god-ep-116-audio/ Timecodes00:00:00 Centered on God…