Our society is clearly confused – we can’t even make a distinction between men an women. How did this happen, and what can we do about it?

Production of Reformation Baptist Church of Youngsville, NC
Hosts – Dan Horn, Jonathan Sides, Charles Churchill and Joshua Horn
Technical Director – Timothy Kaiser
Theme Music – Gabriel Hudelson

What can Christians in the USA learn from Nigeria? We are joined by a guest this week, Deshi Zingak Nengak from Nigeria. (Jonathan will be back next week)

This continues last weeks episode on what Nigeria can learn from America: http://theconqueringtruth.com/2021/07/comparing-nigeria-and-the-united-states-ep-28/

Production of Reformation Baptist Church of Youngsville, NC
Hosts – Dan Horn, Jonathan Sides, Charles Churchill and Joshua Horn
Technical Director – Timothy Kaiser
Theme Music – Gabriel Hudelson

Comparing Africa with the USA, and considering how much we have to be grateful for. Next week, we’ll continue by looking at what America can learn from Nigeria. We are joined by a guest this week, Deshi Zingak Nengak from Nigeria. (Jonathan will be back in two weeks)

Twitter banned in Nigeria: https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/nelsoncharityjohn/nigerian-government-twitter-ban-buhari
Smithsonian on Whiteness: https://www.miamiherald.com/news/nation-world/national/article244309587.html

Production of Reformation Baptist Church of Youngsville, NC
Hosts – Dan Horn, Jonathan Sides, Charles Churchill and Joshua Horn
Technical Director – Timothy Kaiser
Theme Music – Gabriel Hudelson

Our promised discussion on why the modern nation-state of Israel does not hold a privileged place in God’s plan for history

Production of Reformation Baptist Church of Youngsville, NC
Hosts – Dan Horn, Jonathan Sides, Charles Churchill and Joshua Horn
Technical Director – Timothy Kaiser
Theme Music – Gabriel Hudelson

The Bible is abundantly clear that children are a gift from God, so why do we so often think they are not?

Episodes Referenced:
“Kids Should Work” http://theconqueringtruth.com/2021/03/kids-should-work-ep-13-2/
“Where Should Christians Give their Money?” http://theconqueringtruth.com/2021/04/where-should-christians-give-their-money-ep-15/

Production of Reformation Baptist Church of Youngsville, NC
Hosts – Dan Horn, Jonathan Sides, Charles Churchill and Joshua Horn
Technical Director – Timothy Kaiser
Theme Music – Gabriel Hudelson

We discuss what the Bible says about race, and the scriptural arguments used to defend racism and Kinism.

Kinism article quoted: http://ironink.org/2021/04/i-get-by-with-a-little-help-from-my-friends-one-non-caucasians-view-on-race/

Production of Reformation Baptist Church of Youngsville, NC
Hosts – Dan Horn, Jonathan Sides, Charles Churchill and Joshua Horn
Technical Director – Timothy Kaiser
Theme Music – Gabriel Hudelson

We discuss President Biden’s recently published plan for changes to US education curriculum policy

President Biden’s Education Plan https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2021/04/19/2021-08068/proposed-priorities-american-history-and-civics-education
PragerU on Critical Race Theory https://www.prageru.com/video/what-is-critical-race-theory/

Production of Reformation Baptist Church of Youngsville, NC
Hosts – Dan Horn, Jonathan Sides, Charles Churchill and Joshua Horn
Technical Director – Timothy Kaiser
Theme Music – Gabriel Hudelson

Discussing the doctrine of just war and how to apply it to the Israeli–Palestinian conflict.
This was recorded just before the cease fire agreement.
Videos from the Israel Defense Forces and Wall Street Journal

Production of Reformation Baptist Church of Youngsville, NC
Hosts – Dan Horn, Jonathan Sides, Charles Churchill and Joshua Horn
Technical Director – Timothy Kaiser
Theme Music – Gabriel Hudelson