Do you understand the many ways that Christianity has made the world a better place?

Some people think of eschatology as this far-off thing dealing only with future events that are primarily spiritual in nature. But scripture does not teach that this is true. Christ came to establish his kingdom and to destroy the works of the devil. After his life, death, and resurrection, he ascended to heaven, his rule and reign were established, and his kingdom has been going forth and transforming the world.

The word of God says that Christians are the light of the world, but so many believe that the darkness wins over the light. But God designed light and darkness to give us a picture of how the world works. Just as light will dispel the darkness so will the light of Christ through his church push back and destroy the darkness of the world. In this episode we want to look at the many ways that Christ’s kingdom of light has taken dominion over the darkness and how that victory has been made manifest in the world. Christians of all people should see and understand these things and glorify God for his goodness. Please join us as we discuss this important topic.

Production of Reformation Baptist Church of Youngsville, NC
Permanent Hosts – Dan Horn, Charles Churchill and Joshua Horn
Technical Director – Timothy Kaiser
Theme Music – Gabriel Hudelson

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