Many churches have mortgages or are seriously considering getting one. Sadly, it is shocking how many Christians (and particularly, pastors) do not believe the Bible when it says, “The borrower is a slave to the lender”. We like to make rationalizations and say that slavery has been abolished, and that it’s just a financial obligation that can be ended at any time, but those are just lies. The warning about slavery IS a warning about the financial obligation. Also, Psalm 37:21 says, “The wicked borrows and does not repay” and we should understand exactly what this says about the obligation that debt puts upon us. And while we published an episode on debt and slavery earlier this year, in this episode we want to focus specifically on churches and why the Bible teaches that it is a sin for the church to become a slave.

In this episode, we discuss how a local church body going into debt teaches a false gospel. God is the church’s husband and like any good husband, he does not fail to meet the needs of his beloved. Additionally, the gospel is the proclamation of how God bought the church out of slavery and into the freedom of his covenant and household; what could be more rebellious than the wife he purchased returning to her slavery because her husband will not give her what she claims she needs? We also spend some time discussing how a church should think about their time and resources and how the lure of a mortgage tempts them to focus on the wrong things. Lastly, we discuss what a church with a mortgage should do and what repentance might look like. Our prayer is that the church would take these issues seriously. The actions of the church are always moral actions and should depict the heart of a loving bride who trusts fully in her beloved. Please join us as we discuss this important issue.

Previous episode on debt:

Production of Reformation Baptist Church of Youngsville, NC
Hosts – Dan Horn, Jonathan Sides, Charles Churchill and Joshua Horn
Technical Director – Timothy Kaiser
Theme Music – Gabriel Hudelson

The Bible has a lot to say about food, and from the beginning, we can see how food was related to sin, to sacrifices, and to the worship of God. There were also the food laws of Israel, which are frequently misunderstood. But through all of this, the Bible never teaches that a person’s health is tied to the food they eat. And this matters a great deal, because this is a common false teaching, even among the orthodox.

But the Bible does talk about health. It has to, because life and death are moral, spiritual issues. We understand this because anything to do with whether someone lives or dies will always be a moral topic because we understand that death exists because of sin and so we know that health issues must tie back to sin being in the world.

In this episode, we want to talk about what God’s word says about food and how we can please him with what we eat. In American culture, there is a lot of talk about eating healthy and frequently it is a power issue. Wives pressure their husbands to eat in certain ways. The US government has a food pyramid that is trying to tell people how they should eat. Doctors tell people how they should eat, but they find they have such little power, they frequently don’t even bother even when there is actual scientific evidence behind their conclusions. The more health care is nationalized, the more government asserts its right to dictate what you eat. With all the manipulation about food, how should we relate food and health and what does God’s word teach us about all these things.

Production of Reformation Baptist Church of Youngsville, NC
Hosts – Dan Horn, Jonathan Sides, Charles Churchill and Joshua Horn
Technical Director – Timothy Kaiser
Theme Music – Gabriel Hudelson

In this episode, we look at some of the texts that are used to build dispensational eschatology, and see whether they are being used correctly.

Production of Reformation Baptist Church of Youngsville, NC
Hosts – Dan Horn, Jonathan Sides, Charles Churchill and Joshua Horn
Technical Director – Timothy Kaiser
Theme Music – Gabriel Hudelson

Prayer is essential for the Christian life. But if we think about it incorrectly, we may never understand how to pray with zeal. We are better equipped to pray when we properly understand God’s authority and our proper relationship with him. Because God created man to glorify Him, and saved His people to do His work in the world and to labor for His name, our zeal in prayer is tied very tightly to our zeal for God himself and for the work He has called us to do.

In this episode, we share, with as much detail as possible, how God has helped us to pray more deeply. We discuss how he answered prayers, with examples of where He said both yes and no, and how He taught us to respond in those cases. We also try to provide examples regarding how we discerned what God was saying, and try to demystify some of the aspects of prayer that plague the church today (No, God doesn’t speak to us in an audible voice). Like we said at the very beginning, prayer is essential for the Christian life. But we need to be able to think properly about prayer so we can understand it. Prayer is a real form of communication between us and the Almighty. It should humble us greatly that such a thing is even possible, but it should also make us desire to be earnest and full of zeal in our prayers. Please join us as we discuss this important topic.

Production of Reformation Baptist Church of Youngsville, NC
Hosts – Dan Horn, Jonathan Sides, Charles Churchill and Joshua Horn
Technical Director – Timothy Kaiser
Theme Music – Gabriel Hudelson

As with a lot of things that get adopted in the church culture, youth groups started as a way to reach unchurched youth in high school. From there, the practice spread and changed over time until youth groups were viewed as a normative part of American church life.

And while there have been movements withing conservative Reformed churches to move away from youth ministry and to emphasize the responsibilities of the parents to train their children,
what we’ve noticed is this: Youth ministry isn’t just the result of the church overstepping its bounds. Sometimes, the parents ask the church for it. Sometimes, it’s a result of the church’s collective fear that they are losing the next generation. And sometimes, it’s a focus on numbers and the growth of the church. But in every case, what we would argue is this: God’s word does not show us a pattern of singling out the youth and separating them from the rest of the flock on a regular basis for special instruction and ministry. Anytime the church adopts practices that cannot be found in God’s word, it is sin. Youth ministry won’t disappear overnight. But we should expect God to continue to mature and cleanse His church. If, as a church, we face with the trials our Lord sends our way in the ways He has instructed us, we should expect to see and end to youth groups and youth ministry. Please join us as we discuss this issue.

Production of Reformation Baptist Church of Youngsville, NC
Hosts – Dan Horn, Jonathan Sides, Charles Churchill and Joshua Horn
Technical Director – Timothy Kaiser
Theme Music – Gabriel Hudelson

What church you go to is one of the most important choices that you will make for yourself and your family. We discuss what scripture has to say about it.

When and Why to Leave Your Church

Production of Reformation Baptist Church of Youngsville, NC
Hosts – Dan Horn, Jonathan Sides, Charles Churchill and Joshua Horn
Technical Director – Timothy Kaiser
Theme Music – Gabriel Hudelson

Church leaders and the culture they create profoundly impact the people in their church, to the point where it is almost impossible for people to separate themselves from that influence. Like fish and the water they swim in, it is easy for church members to not think about how they live and breathe the culture of their church. And while this influence is good and useful when the church is not hiding sin and allowing it to grow, when sin abounds that influence causes the sin to spread throughout the entire church.

Matt Chandler’s Village Church joined the Acts 29 network in 2004, and he spent years working with Mark Driscoll before replacing him as its leader. After becoming president, many of the problems under Driscoll persisted within the organization. On August 28, 2022, Matt Chandler announced that he had had an inappropriate online relationship with a woman and that the church leadership after hiring a law firm to review his use of social media, had recommended that he take an indefinite leave of absence from preaching and teaching. In early December of the same year, he was reinstated.

In this episode, we discuss how sin in leadership affects the church as a whole. We talk about how open sin that is not directly addressed and dealt with causes the church to become hardened to its presence. We also talk about how properly dealing with sin causes righteous fear of God to abound and for people to turn away from their sins. Using the public events surrounding Matt Chandler’s removal, we discuss how dealing with sin in the wrong way not only fails to curb the actual sin, but causes greater harm to the church body by sowing misunderstanding and confusion.

There are multiple things that we address in this episode. We talk about some of Matt Chandler’s history with the Acts 29 ministry, his time with Acts 29 before Mark Driscoll was removed and

Note: We recorded this episode in September right after Matt Chandler was removed as an elder. We have also used some of the footage from a recent Village Church Advent service where Matt Chandler spoke about his removal and reinstatement.

Removal Statement:
Reinstatement Service:


Production of Reformation Baptist Church of Youngsville, NC
Hosts – Dan Horn, Jonathan Sides, Charles Churchill and Joshua Horn
Technical Director – Timothy Kaiser
Theme Music – Gabriel Hudelson