There are well-meaning Christians who teach that no one should ever be allowed to remarry after divorce. The main problem with that interpretation is that God divorced and remarried. Spiritually, God is only ever married to the invisible church, but that is not true in an earthly sense. According to Scripture, God divorced Israel and He was divorced from Judah when he came to them and they put him to death. But then Christ is betrothed to the church, with his death paying the bride price. So, if God, who is perfectly righteous, divorced and remarried what does that mean for us?

In this episode, we want to discuss what scripture teaches about marriage, divorce, remarriage, and abandonment. We will look at the Old Testament law of divorce and see how its substance and intent are consistent with Christ’s and Paul’s teachings in the New Testament. We will look at marriage as both a picture of the gospel and of Christ and the church and how the message throughout scripture of “hardness of heart” is a central theme demonstrated through the differences between the old and new covenant.

Marriage is an important institution, and while God hates divorce, he hates hardness of heart even more. While the church needs to protect the importance and sanctity of marriage by requiring fidelity, the church must also recognize that hardness of heart can bring a marriage to an end. When we deny this, we obscure the perfect righteousness of God. Please join us as we discuss this very important topic.

Listen to the audio version here:

00:00 Purpose of Marriage
18:01 Christ’s Teaching
28:39 Hardness of Heart
41:32 Paul’s Teaching
52:43 Exceptions
59:19 Conclusion

Production of Reformation Baptist Church of Youngsville, NC
Permanent Hosts – Dan Horn, Charles Churchill and Joshua Horn
Technical Director – Timothy Kaiser
Theme Music – Gabriel Hudelson

There are well-meaning Christians who teach that no one should ever be allowed to remarry after divorce. The main problem with that interpretation is that God divorced and remarried. Spiritually, God is only ever married to the invisible church, but that is not true in an earthly sense. According to Scripture, God divorced Israel and He was divorced from Judah when he came to them and they put him to death. But then Christ is betrothed to the church, with his death paying the bride price. So, if God, who is perfectly righteous, divorced and remarried what does that mean for us?

In this episode, we want to discuss what scripture teaches about marriage, divorce, remarriage, and abandonment. We will look at the Old Testament law of divorce and see how its substance and intent are consistent with Christ’s and Paul’s teachings in the New Testament. We will look at marriage as both a picture of the gospel and of Christ and the church and how the message throughout scripture of “hardness of heart” is a central theme demonstrated through the differences between the old and new covenant.

Marriage is an important institution, and while God hates divorce, he hates hardness of heart even more. While the church needs to protect the importance and sanctity of marriage by requiring fidelity, the church must also recognize that hardness of heart can bring a marriage to an end. When we deny this, we obscure the perfect righteousness of God. Please join us as we discuss this very important topic.

Production of Reformation Baptist Church of Youngsville, NC
Permanent Hosts – Dan Horn, Charles Churchill and Joshua Horn
Technical Director – Timothy Kaiser
Theme Music – Gabriel Hudelson

Do you understand the many ways that Christianity has made the world a better place?

Some people think of eschatology as this far-off thing dealing only with future events that are primarily spiritual in nature. But scripture does not teach that this is true. Christ came to establish his kingdom and to destroy the works of the devil. After his life, death, and resurrection, he ascended to heaven, his rule and reign were established, and his kingdom has been going forth and transforming the world.

The word of God says that Christians are the light of the world, but so many believe that the darkness wins over the light. But God designed light and darkness to give us a picture of how the world works. Just as light will dispel the darkness so will the light of Christ through his church push back and destroy the darkness of the world. In this episode we want to look at the many ways that Christ’s kingdom of light has taken dominion over the darkness and how that victory has been made manifest in the world. Christians of all people should see and understand these things and glorify God for his goodness. Please join us as we discuss this important topic.

Listen to the audio version here:

00:00:00 Intro
00:09:27 AD & BC
00:12:06 Seven Day Week
00:14:12 Universal Time
00:16:10 The Sabbath
00:17:42 World Exploration
00:20:37 Freedom to Worship God
00:22:42 Respect for Christ
00:26:04 Professed Worship of Christ Predominant
00:27:46 Common Languages
00:35:03 Ease of World Travel
00:37:01 Air Conditioning
00:40:24 Value of Human Life
00:44:33 Women Have Value
00:46:57 Not Burning Widows
00:49:43 Legal Rights for Women
00:51:37 Polygamy Ending
00:53:41 Children Having Value
00:57:24 Suicide Seen as Wrong
01:00:14 Slave Trade Ended
01:01:13 Working Conditions Improved
01:01:56 Weak Should be Protected
01:08:23 Racism Reduced
01:10:25 Men Not Turned Into Gods
01:13:08 Increase in Charitable Giving
01:18:28 False Religions Exault Charity

Production of Reformation Baptist Church of Youngsville, NC
Permanent Hosts – Dan Horn, Charles Churchill and Joshua Horn
Technical Director – Timothy Kaiser
Theme Music – Gabriel Hudelson

Do you understand the many ways that Christianity has made the world a better place?

Some people think of eschatology as this far-off thing dealing only with future events that are primarily spiritual in nature. But scripture does not teach that this is true. Christ came to establish his kingdom and to destroy the works of the devil. After his life, death, and resurrection, he ascended to heaven, his rule and reign were established, and his kingdom has been going forth and transforming the world.

The word of God says that Christians are the light of the world, but so many believe that the darkness wins over the light. But God designed light and darkness to give us a picture of how the world works. Just as light will dispel the darkness so will the light of Christ through his church push back and destroy the darkness of the world. In this episode we want to look at the many ways that Christ’s kingdom of light has taken dominion over the darkness and how that victory has been made manifest in the world. Christians of all people should see and understand these things and glorify God for his goodness. Please join us as we discuss this important topic.

Production of Reformation Baptist Church of Youngsville, NC
Permanent Hosts – Dan Horn, Charles Churchill and Joshua Horn
Technical Director – Timothy Kaiser
Theme Music – Gabriel Hudelson

If you pay attention to the news at all, you’ll hear a lot of worried cries about how we need to work to “save democracy”. But if you know much about American history, you’ll know that the US isn’t a democracy and has never been one. In fact, if you’ve really studied history you’ll know that pure democracies tend to be short-lived institutions. And because this is a podcast by Christians, and largely aimed at Christians, you shouldn’t be surprised that we want to take this all back to scripture and talk about what the Bible teaches about government, how people should rule themselves, and why pure democracies tend to lead to evil.

In this episode, we want to look at the danger of democracies and how this is demonstrated throughout scripture. The people collectively always have a great deal of power, the question is how should that power be both harnessed and constrained? There will also always be leaders among the people. Even if there is no official position anyone who can influence others will always have some form of power. Pure democracy gives great power to those who can influence the public and typically leads to mob rule. And this is not only true in the nation but also in our churches (and not only in congregational churches).

Scripture has much to say about government, authority, and the principles that shape a nation, and while in this episode we can only scratch the surface and begin to lay a framework for this should be thought about, it is a discussion that the Christians in America desperately need to have. Please join us as discuss this important topic.

Listen to the audio version here:

00:00 What Is Democracy
08:18 Removing Biden
20:45 Manipulating the People
33:14 Rule by Emotion
47:22 Biblical Government

Production of Reformation Baptist Church of Youngsville, NC
Permanent Hosts – Dan Horn, Charles Churchill and Joshua Horn
Technical Director – Timothy Kaiser
Theme Music – Gabriel Hudelson

If you pay attention to the news at all, you’ll hear a lot of worried cries about how we need to work to “save democracy”. But if you know much about American history, you’ll know that the US isn’t a democracy and has never been one. In fact, if you’ve really studied history you’ll know that pure democracies tend to be short-lived institutions. And because this is a podcast by Christians, and largely aimed at Christians, you shouldn’t be surprised that we want to take this all back to scripture and talk about what the Bible teaches about government, how people should rule themselves, and why pure democracies tend to lead to evil.

In this episode, we want to look at the danger of democracies and how this is demonstrated throughout scripture. The people collectively always have a great deal of power, the question is how should that power be both harnessed and constrained? There will also always be leaders among the people. Even if there is no official position anyone who can influence others will always have some form of power. Pure democracy gives great power to those who can influence the public and typically leads to mob rule. And this is not only true in the nation but also in our churches (and not only in congregational churches).

Scripture has much to say about government, authority, and the principles that shape a nation, and while in this episode we can only scratch the surface and begin to lay a framework for this should be thought about, it is a discussion that the Christians in America desperately need to have. Please join us as discuss this important topic.

Production of Reformation Baptist Church of Youngsville, NC
Permanent Hosts – Dan Horn, Charles Churchill and Joshua Horn
Technical Director – Timothy Kaiser
Theme Music – Gabriel Hudelson

Before Jesus Christ ascended to heaven, he promised to send his Holy Spirit to teach us and guide us. But how does the Holy Spirit accomplish his ministry? How can we know if we are being led by the Holy Spirit?

In this episode we want to walk through what scripture teaches about the work and ministry of the Holy Spirit. While the Holy Spirit is God and is therefore above our ability to completely understand, scripture teaches us that his ministry and leading can be understood. Because the Holy Spirit was sent by the Father and the Son and in their authority, he never comes with His own words, but teaches us and guides us to and through the Truth of God’s Word. The Holy Spirit also came to make men Holy, to break the bondage and power of sin and to guide them to works of righteousness.

Listen to the audio version here:

00:00 Intro
07:22 False Claims
11:44 Role of the Spirit
18:39 Supernatural Direction
25:19 Self Deception
28:17 Holiness
47:05 Led to Truth
55:51 Unity
59:48 Truth

Production of Reformation Baptist Church of Youngsville, NC
Permanent Hosts – Dan Horn, Charles Churchill and Joshua Horn
Technical Director – Timothy Kaiser
Theme Music – Gabriel Hudelson

Before Jesus Christ ascended to heaven, he promised to send his Holy Spirit to teach us and guide us. But how does the Holy Spirit accomplish his ministry? How can we know if we are being led by the Holy Spirit?

In this episode we want to walk through what scripture teaches about the work and ministry of the Holy Spirit. While theHoly Spirit is God and is therefore above our ability to completely understand, scripture teaches us that his ministry and leading can be understood. Because the Holy Spirit was sent by the Father and the Son and in their authority, he never comes with His own words, but teaches us and guides us to and through the Truth of God’s Word. The Holy Spirit also came to make men Holy, to break the bondage and power of sin and to guide them to works of righteousness.

Production of Reformation Baptist Church of Youngsville, NC
Permanent Hosts – Dan Horn, Charles Churchill and Joshua Horn
Technical Director – Timothy Kaiser
Theme Music – Gabriel Hudelson

Charles Finney was both an avid proponent of revivalism and a relentless enemy of Reformed doctrine in the early American Church. Finney himself was a product of revivalism, professing faith in his late 20s at an emotional revival service. Finney quickly dedicated himself to the ministry, and began studying for his ordination as a Presbyterian minister.

Despite his studies, Finney claims that at his ordination he was ignorant of the doctrines contained in the Westminster Confession and catechism, asserting in his memoirs that when questioned, he stated that he, “received it for substance of doctrine, so far as I understood it. But I spoke in a way that plainly implied, I think, that I did not pretend to know much about it.” Later, when he did study the confession and catechism he claimed to reject much of what it said. According to Finney and others, he openly preached against Reformed soteriology, arguing against it whenever it was spoken of in his presence.

When he was 43, Penny was appointed as Professor of Theology at Oberlin College. Two years later he became the minister of the church there, and fifteen years later still, he was officially appointed president of the college.

In this episode we want to focus on the influence that Finney had over American society and culture through his preaching and through the realization of his vision for Christianity through Oberlin College. Throughout its history Oberlin has been instrumental in influencing American culture and Society, occasionally for the good, but many times and in many ways for great evil. Because Finney’s theology exalted man, the fruit of his ministry has been humanistic in nature. The idea that through social justice and fervent effort that man can by his own strength create heaven on Earth is an idea that traces back directly to Finney and while there were others certainly who shared his ideals and even who shaped him to some extent, Finney was in many ways the source and indefatigable champion of these views. Please join us as we examine the life and influence of Charles Finney and understand what Paul proclaimed: “For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ, and being ready to punish all disobedience when your obedience is fulfilled.”

Listen to the audio version here:

Thumbnail image by Quinn Dombrowski under CC-BY-SA 2.0

00:00:00 Arminianism
00:05:50 Revivalism
00:15:01 Perfectionism
00:26:15 Man’s Ability to Change the World
00:33:45 Oberlin and Women in Ministry
00:40:02 Oberlin and Abolition
00:44:33 Oberlin’s Women Sufferage
00:47:30 Oberlin’s Prohibition
00:50:32 Oberlin’s Feminism
00:55:50 Oberlin’s Homosexuality

Production of Reformation Baptist Church of Youngsville, NC
Hosts – Dan Horn, Jonathan Sides, Charles Churchill and Joshua Horn
Technical Director – Timothy Kaiser
Theme Music – Gabriel Hudelson

Listen to the audio version here:

00:00:00 Arminianism
00:05:50 Revivalism
00:15:01 Perfectionism
00:26:15 Man’s Ability to Change the World
00:33:45 Oberlin and Women in Ministry
00:40:02 Oberlin and Abolition
00:44:33 Oberlin’s Women Sufferage
00:47:30 Oberlin’s Prohibition
00:50:32 Oberlin’s Feminism
00:55:50 Oberlin’s Homosexuality

Production of Reformation Baptist Church of Youngsville, NC
Hosts – Dan Horn, Jonathan Sides, Charles Churchill and Joshua Horn
Technical Director – Timothy Kaiser
Theme Music – Gabriel Hudelson

Charles Finney was both an avid proponent of revivalism and a relentless enemy of Reformed doctrine in the early American Church. Finney himself was a product of revivalism, professing faith in his late 20s at an emotional revival service. Finney quickly dedicated himself to the ministry, and began studying for his ordination as a Presbyterian minister.

Despite his studies, Finney claims that at his ordination he was ignorant of the doctrines contained in the Westminster Confession and catechism, asserting in his memoirs that when questioned, he stated that he, “received it for substance of doctrine, so far as I understood it. But I spoke in a way that plainly implied, I think, that I did not pretend to know much about it.” Later, when he did study the confession and catechism he claimed to reject much of what it said. According to Finney and others, he openly preached against Reformed soteriology, arguing against it whenever it was spoken of in his presence.

When he was 43, Penny was appointed as Professor of Theology at Oberlin College. Two years later he became the minister of the church there, and fifteen years later still, he was officially appointed president of the college.

In this episode we want to focus on the influence that Finney had over American society and culture through his preaching and through the realization of his vision for Christianity through Oberlin College. Throughout its history Oberlin has been instrumental in influencing American culture and Society, occasionally for the good, but many times and in many ways for great evil. Because Finney’s theology exalted man, the fruit of his ministry has been humanistic in nature. The idea that through social justice and fervent effort that man can by his own strength create heaven on Earth is an idea that traces back directly to Finney and while there were others certainly who shared his ideals and even who shaped him to some extent, Finney was in many ways the source and indefatigable champion of these views. Please join us as we examine the life and influence of Charles Finney and understand what Paul proclaimed: “For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ, and being ready to punish all disobedience when your obedience is fulfilled.”

Production of Reformation Baptist Church of Youngsville, NC
Hosts – Dan Horn, Jonathan Sides, Charles Churchill and Joshua Horn
Technical Director – Timothy Kaiser
Theme Music – Gabriel Hudelson