Over half of those professing to be Christians are in the Roman Catholic Church. We discuss the differences between Catholics and Protestants in doctrine and practice, and why they matter.

Production of Reformation Baptist Church of Youngsville, NC
Hosts – Dan Horn, Jonathan Sides, Charles Churchill and Joshua Horn
Technical Director – Timothy Kaiser
Theme Music – Gabriel Hudelson

In Acts, Paul warns that wolves will rise up from within the church and that false teachers speaking perverse things will draw disciples after themselves. And you’ll notice that Paul doesn’t immediately give some simple rule to follow to make sure that we aren’t taken in by a wolf. Wolves are so very dangerous because they work to appear like a good shepherd. Jesus warns in Matthew that while they wear “sheep’s clothing”, inwardly they are ravenous wolves, and they want to devour you.

So, how should the church think about wolves? How can we protect our family and the flock around us? How can we protect ourselves?

In this episode we discuss the many different warnings that scripture gives us about wolves. And while there are no simple solutions, there are clear signs that someone is behaving as a wolf.

Scandals are Good for the Church

Production of Reformation Baptist Church of Youngsville, NC
Hosts – Dan Horn, Jonathan Sides, Charles Churchill and Joshua Horn
Technical Director – Timothy Kaiser
Theme Music – Gabriel Hudelson

We discuss Juneteenth – the latest addition to our nation’s holy days. We discuss a bit of the history behind the holiday, why we’ve suddenly started hearing it over the last few years, and whether it should be set aside for the entire nation.

What Should Christians Celebrate episode:

Production of Reformation Baptist Church of Youngsville, NC
Hosts – Dan Horn, Jonathan Sides, Charles Churchill and Joshua Horn
Technical Director – Timothy Kaiser
Theme Music – Gabriel Hudelson

America sets aside a whole month to celebrate pride in sin. What does our love of pride say about us as a country?

Is Pride Ever Good? https://theconqueringtruth.com/2022/06/is-pride-ever-good-ep-76/

Production of Reformation Baptist Church of Youngsville, NC
Hosts – Dan Horn, Jonathan Sides, Charles Churchill and Joshua Horn
Technical Director – Timothy Kaiser
Theme Music – Gabriel Hudelson

In this episode, we want to examine how the Word of God frames the issue of marriage, sexual relationships, and polygamy and how this all relates to the nature of the gospel of Jesus Christ and his marriage to the church. While Jesus Christ makes it clear that from the beginning, God designed marriage to be between one man and one woman, man’s rebellion against God has resulted in many sinful situations that must be regulated. And this is what the law of God does. As Paul says in Galatians, the law was added because of transgressions. As we will discuss in this episode, because of our sin, men often ignore the obligations of the law, choose their own ways, and then declare themselves righteous. We would do well to remember what Paul goes on to say, “Is the law then against the promises of God? Certainly not! For if there had been a law given which could have given life, truly righteousness would have been by the law.” May we look to God’s law to understand the righteous way that he constrains sin in the world, and by it, to better understand how Jesus Christ has come to destroy the works of the devil.

Production of Reformation Baptist Church of Youngsville, NC
Hosts – Dan Horn, Jonathan Sides, Charles Churchill and Joshua Horn
Technical Director – Timothy Kaiser
Theme Music – Gabriel Hudelson