Limited atonement often seems like a simple doctrine. Christ died for the elect. The end. But it’s more complicated than that. Because Christ didn’t just come to save the elect. He also came to put away sin, destroy the work of the devil, and reconcile the fallen creation to the Father.
The other part about it that’s worth discussing is that even those who understand the doctrine, limit the atonement in practical ways when we act as if the blood of Christ has no real effect on the lives of those who believe. It’s so common today for Christians to be cynical and pessimistic about the world; to act as if the very world we live in has not already been blessed and changed by the death of Christ. And when we do this, we limit the atonement. Not by stated doctrine, but by practice and by our lack of faith.
The doctrine of limited atone is important. And while it’s not incredibly complex, it touches on many different aspects of Christianity. In this episode, we want to push on the modern view of the atonement, because while the atonement is limited, its scope and majesty are beyond measure. It is limited, but it is not small, and it is the means by which Christ accomplished everything. And even as Christ sits in authority at the right hand of the Father, its work is still ongoing and will continue until all his enemies have been defeated. Do we, his people, understand the atonement? Do we honor and praise him by doing the work he has appointed us, as we should?
Limited atonement often seems like a simple doctrine. Christ died for the elect. The end. But it’s more complicated than that. Because Christ didn’t just come to save the elect. He also came to put…
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