Welcome to The Conquering Truth, a weekly podcast for Christians, seeking to discern how to live in today’s world, in alignment with God’s word.  We’ll have discussions of how the gospel and the word of God ought to be applied to current events, the problems facing our society, the history of what God has done in the world, trends in the church and many other topics.  The scriptures have a lot to say about those issues, and we see a lack of Biblical thinking and application to culture in many professing Christian circles today. We want to do our part to reverse that trend.

We’ll address current and controversial issues  to show how God’s truth prevails over the lies that fill the world. How the scriptures have the answers even if the world hates it. We want to boldly address topics that are countercultural. Not just to the national culture at large, but to conservative culture, church culture, and even to reformed church culture.

Why The Conquering Truth?

As followers of Christ, we can approach life confident in His victory over all things – including death.  Jesus did not call for a retreating or even defending Church, but His bride is called to be conquering darkness with light.  Our approach is rooted in the view of a victorious gospel derived from verses like these:

And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it.

Matthew 16:18

For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ,

2 Corinthians 10:3-5

Who We Are and What We’re Doing

After one year of podcasting, we took an episode to introduce ourselves, explain the meaning of the name, and discuss purposes in starting the podcast.

The Hosts

Dan Horn is an elder at Reformation Baptist church. He has written several books on theology including Sanctified by God: A Call to Keep the Christian Sabbath. He has been married to Kendra since 1988 and they have three children, Joshua, Rachel and Stephen, and five grand children. He has been the president of Datatek, Inc., a small software firm, since 1992.

Charles Churchill and his wife Susan have ten children, all of whom are homeschooled. He works as an Account Executive and Delivery Manager for a boutique tech company providing automated programming language conversions and system migrations.

Joshua Horn has a B.A. in history from Thomas Edison State University. He has co-authored several books on theology, and written the script for the documentary series, Discerning History: War Between the States. He and his wife Andrea have five young children. He works as computer programmer.

Former Host

Jonathan Sides graduated with B.S. (biochemistry) and M.A. (philosophy) degrees from Virginia Tech and previously taught logic and epistemology courses at Duke University.  He is the operations manager at a structural engineering firm in Raleigh, NC. He and his wife Meghan homeschool their six children.