Why Altar Calls Are Wrong (Ep. 156)

February 19, 2024

Altar calls are a common feature of church services around the world. But are they Biblical? What theology and history are they based on, and what do they teach converts and church members about the gospel?

Listen to the audio version here: https://theconqueringtruth.com/2024/02/why-altar-calls-are-wrong-ep-156-audio/

00:00:00 The Problem
00:04:31 Personal Experience
00:13:39 Wrong View of Salvation
00:19:14 Brith as a Process
00:24:15 Salvation Requires Knowledge
00:27:05 Exaults Man
00:37:17 Call for Sanctification
00:47:56 Why an Altar?
00:52:24 Communion Warning
00:57:55 Giving False Assurance
01:03:34 Does the Bible Contain Altar Calls?

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